My friends in Christ,

As we sought to minister this past year, our question was not “can we?” but “how do we?” Trusting the Holy Spirit and the advice of public health professionals, we made whatever adaptations we needed to in order to provide the grace of the sacraments, preach the Gospel, and serve those in need. And needs were many.

I’m grateful to our staff for all of their extra efforts and for their flexibility in adapting ministries to the demands of the time.

We were able to do this because of the ways you supported our parish with your gifts of time, talent, and treasure. Those investments enabled our ministries to persist in the pandemic and meet the new needs of our parish and our broader community.

Yours in Christ,

Download the 2021 Annual Report (PDF)

Whatever It Takes: How the Hyland Center Enabled Ministry

When we built the Hyland Center, we didn’t know what a blessing it would be under the cloud of COVID-19. Over several years, our parish raised an astonishing $31 million dollars to construct the complex of recreation, meeting, and multipurpose spaces. We knew it would accommodate the needs of our parish and school – holiday Masses and middle school classes and basketball leagues. We didn’t anticipate that it would enable our church ministries to thrive in the middle of a pandemic.

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Knowing God in 2021-21

A COVID-Caused Crisis: Ministering to grief and isolation in the pandemic

When the pandemic began, our Pastoral Care team knew immediately that those they serve would be especially hard hit. The team met via conference call several times per day to brainstorm ideas so they could mobilize their team of volunteers to reach out to the most vulnerable.

Grief classes used to run 10 weeks. Now, they’re running 15 months.

Linda Dyson, Pastoral Care Associate, called on her Stephen Minster team, which provides care and counseling to people in crises – death, loss, grief, and isolation. Linda Dyson was aware that the need for help was increasing and there were some who were unable to reach out for it.

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Loving God in 2021-22

‘Tremendous Courage’: Serving the Church in the Time of COVID

“We absolutely couldn’t have done what we did this past year without our volunteers.” That’s the consensus of CTK’s staff, from liturgy to faith formation to pastoral care. “Without their service,” said Kate Curran, associate director of youth ministry, “our ministry would be virtually impossible!” Choosing to serve during the pandemic was a brave choice.

Welcoming the nervous

Laura and Lee Berg have been parishioners for decades: Laura was baptized at Christ the King, and Lee entered the Church through RCIA almost thirty years ago. For decades, they’ve been part of the team that helps make the 9:00 AM Mass on Sundays happen, Laura as a Eucharistic minister and Lee as an usher. When the Cathedral reopened Masses last summer, the Bergs didn’t hesitate to return. “We wanted to be safe, but at the same time, we missed the Eucharist,” Lee said. “Virtual church just wasn’t doing it for us. It wasn’t the same.”

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Serving God in 2020-21

A Hybrid Approach: How Technology Made CTK More Inclusive

Since last summer, as we’ve gained confidence in our COVID protocols, the Cathedral has slowly resumed its in-person operations: first Masses, then other sacraments, followed by a rollout of ministries that could support social distancing and other safety procedures. But not everyone has been able to return in-person, and not everyone has been able to consistently be on-campus, contingent on the challenges of personal health, exposure to the virus, and surges in infections. So how do we include as many people as possible? How do we minister to immunocompromised families and to parishioners confined at home? We’ve employed a wide range of technologies to reach out to our parish family, which in many cases has resulted in a hybrid approach to our traditional programs.

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Reaching God’s People

IN GRATITUDE: Three Giants of the Cathedral Retire

Chris Brown, Facilities

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Leroy Chaney, Facilities

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Tim Wissler, Organist

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Helping our Neighbors: Campaigns Sought Relief for Atlantans

CTK Provided 725 Totes of Groceries through MUST Ministries

For many children, summer vacation begins a period of food insecurity. We partner with MUST Ministries to provide nutritious summer lunches to thousands of children in the metro Atlanta area. COVID-19 severely impacted food security in Atlanta last year, so MUST adapted its annual program to supplement family grocery needs. Through your generous support in June and July 2020, our parish family raised over $11,000 and provided 725 tote bags of groceries for children and their families. We’re especially grateful to the Knights of Columbus, who made a $4,500 donation to the program.

iGiveCatholic Provides over 1,900 Meals

This Thanksgiving, the Cathedral and Christ the King School sponsored a Giving Tuesday campaign to support the Compassion Kitchen Project, which connects struggling restaurants with hungry Atlanta families struggling to provide food for themselves. Thanks to almost 400 supporters, we nearly doubled our original goal of providing 1,000 meals, raising $49,293, enough to provide over 1,900 meals to hungy families.
The campaign was part of iGiveCatholic, a national Giving Tuesday project to raise funds for Catholic causes. More people supported this project than any other iGiveCatholic project in Atlanta. Learn more about CKP at

Adopt-A-Family Hosts Christmas for Record 570 Families

Each Christmas, we sponsor the Christmas Connections Adopt-A-Family Program, providing Christmas gifts for struggling families. We work with Catholic Charities, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, and Christ the King Mission to identify and partner with families in need of your help. With your support, we provided Christmas gifts for 570 families this year – that’s a record for our annual giving program! Initially planning to support a record 530 families, we were able to coordinate with Catholic Charities Atlanta and our own Hispanic Ministry to support another 40 families. In total, gifts filled six moving truck

Our Financial Health

Thanks to solid management and your ongoing, generous financial support, the Cathedral continues to maintain a strong overall financial position. For the fiscal year (July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021), our total income exceeded our expenses by $179,168.

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