Lent at Christ the King
Fish Fries • Stations of the Cross • Healing Service and Mission • Penance Service • Sunday Vespers
Sunday Masses
7:30 AM
With a cantor and organist.
9:00 AM
With a cantor and organist; performances by the Children’s Choir twice a month, youth cantors, and a separate Children’s Liturgy of the Word (September-May).
10:30 AM
In the Hyland Center with a cantor and pianist. A more relaxed environment.
12:00 PM
With the Cathedral Schola and organist.
4:00 PM
With contemporary music by the Life Teen band.
5:30 PM
With the Cathedral Ensemble.

Daily Masses
6:45 AM
8:10 AM
12:10 PM

The 12:10 PM Mass is followed by a Rosary. On Wednesdays, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed following Mass until 3:00 PM.
8:10 AM
On the federal holidays below, the Cathedral celebrates just one Mass at 12:10 PM:
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
On Thanksgiving Day, the Cathedral celebrates Mass at 6:45 AM and 10:00 AM.

The queue for confession forms in the Gathering Space, the hall between the Cathedral and Kenny Hall.
Following the 8:10 AM Mass
3:00 PM-3:50 PM
7:15 AM-7:45 AM
7:15 AM-7:45 AM
En Espanol • Jueves
6:00 PM-6:45 PM

Holy Hours
Wednesdays • 1:00 PM
Immediately after the 12:10 PM Mass. Begins with a Rosary and prayers for our priests.
Thursdays • 6:00 PM
Before the 7:00 PM Spanish Mass
Adoration Chapel
Our Perpetual Adoration Chapel is currently open 24 hours a day.
From 9 PM-6 AM the Chapel is open only to assigned guardians.

Cathedral of Christ the King
2699 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Our parking deck is located at the corner of Peachtree Road and Peachtree Way, number 15 on our campus map.