Planning Your Wedding at Christ the King
➔ Setting a Date
➔ Marriage Preparation
➔ Special Arrangements
➔ Meet the Wedding Guild
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Liturgy
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Time
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Music
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Decorations
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Children
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Photography
➔ Planning the Ceremony | Videography
➔ The Dress
➔ The Bride’s Room
➔ Conduct
➔ Forms and Documents
➔ Fees
Looking for Info not about Weddings?
We offer our congratulations to all anticipating marriage. Marriage is an important sacrament in the Church, and, as such, there are requirements necessary for having a marriage in the Church.
Free to Marry
If one of you was previously married – whether in a Catholic or non-Catholic wedding, civil or non-civil – we can’t begin planning your wedding until it has been annulled.
Marriage Preparation
The Archdiocese of Atlanta requires about six months of approved marriage preparation, including meeting with clergy and a Pre-Cana program.

Setting a Date
We schedule weddings on Saturdays at 12:00 PM, 2:00 PM, and 6:00 PM.
Complete our Wedding Inquiry Questionnaire, which includes your preferred dates. Email Felricia Brown, our Wedding Scheduler, at to receive the form.
Once we’ve confirmed your date is available, pay your wedding fee in full to lock in your date.
Sign and return two forms acknowledging our cancellation and our dress policies.
Cancellation Policy
The wedding party may cancel their wedding date at any time and receive a full, partial, or refund, depending on the time frame. The Cathedral of Christ the King reserves the right to cancel the wedding if the Church or state legal requirements are not met.
See our Fee Schedule to learn about refunds

Marriage Preparation
Process For Those Getting Married at the Cathedral
Attend one Intro to Marriage class at the Cathedral.
Offered several times monthly, this class, led by one of our deacons, will provide an overview of your marriage preparation. It’s also an opportunity to ask your wedding-related questions. Email Felricia Brown at with questions.
In consultation with your priest or deacon, you’ll pick from a few options: meeting with a trained sponsor couple, or one of the programs endorsed by the Archdiocese. Don’t register for a program until you’ve spoken with the clergy directing your marriage prep!
Meetings with Clergy
You’ll meet several times with your officiating priest (if he is a priest of the Cathedral) or a deacon (if he is your celebrant, you are marrying elsewhere, or your celebrating priest is a visiting priest living outside the Atlanta area). These meetings are part spiritual preparation, part administrative.
Process For Those Getting Married Elsewhere
Attend one Intro to Marriage class at the Cathedral.
Offered several times monthly, this class, led by one of our deacons, will provide an overview of your marriage preparation. It’s also an opportunity to ask your wedding-related questions. Email Felricia Brown at with questions.
In consultation with your priest or deacon, you’ll pick from a few options: meeting with a trained sponsor couple, or one of the programs endorsed by the Archdiocese. Don’t register for a program until you’ve spoken with the clergy directing your marriage prep!
Meetings with Clergy
You’ll meet with a deacon who will help prepare you in the required 6 months (for weddings in the United States) or 9 months (weddings outside of the United States). These meetings will help prepare you for marriage and prepare the documentation to be processed and sent to the diocese and church where the wedding will take place.

Special Arrangements

Interfaith Marriages
In an interfaith marriage, the Catholic party is required to “make a sincere promise to do all in his or her power so that all offspring are baptized and brought up in the Catholic Church” (Code of Canon Law 1125). The spouse of a different faith needs to be clearly informed about that promise.
In addition, a “dispensation” is required from the Archdiocese. The priest or deacon facilitating your marriage preparation/documentation will help you obtain this permission.

Guest Priests or Ministers
Priests from other Catholic parishes are welcome to celebrate your wedding. We’ll need their name and contact information to send them their required paperwork ahead of the wedding. If they are from a parish outside of the Archdiocese of Atlanta, they have to apply to the Archdiocese for permission to celebrate the wedding within six months of the wedding date, and provide us a copy of the letter from their diocese granting those faculties. In an interfaith marriage, the minister of the non-Catholic party may participate in the ceremony, either in the readings and/or giving a blessing. Church law does not permit the priest and minister jointly to ask for and receive the vows, nor does it permit a double recitation of the vows.

Meet the Wedding Guild
Weddings at Christ the King are directed by your celebrant and the Wedding Guild. You’re welcome to hire your own wedding consultant, but they are required to abide by Cathedral policies, and operate only under the direction of the officiant and representatives of the Wedding Guild.
Once your wedding has been assigned to a Guild member, they will contact you!
Attending a Wedding Guild Workshop
All brides (and anyone they’d like to bring) are required to attend a Wedding Workshop hosted by the Wedding Guild. They are normally the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM in the Cathedral. Occasionally these dates change, so we recommend emailing to confirm the correct date.

Planning the Ceremony: Liturgy
Selecting a Sacred Space

The Cathedral
■ Seats up to 600
■ Ideal for larger weddings

D’Youville Chapel
■ Seats 30 and a limited bridal party
■ Ideal for intimate weddings
The chapel does not have an organ or piano. Couples must arrange their own music in collaboration with the celebrant.
Selecting a Liturgy
In your meetings with clergy, you’ll select the most appropriate liturgy and receive a wedding planning guide that will help you select appropriate Scripture, music, and other elements of the ceremony.

Rite of Marriage within Mass
All sacraments, including marriage, are connected to the Paschal Mystery we see in Mass – Christ uniting Himself to His Church as a Groom to His Bride. In a Wedding Mass, the couple are the ministers of the Sacrament. The Priest assists, witnesses, and blessed the marriage.

Rite of Marriage outside of Mass
This Liturgy is shorter. It includes a Liturgy of the Word and homily, but omits Holy Communion.

Planning the Ceremony: Time
Managing Time
With eleven Masses, baptisms, confessions, and up to three weddings each weekend, demand is high for our sacred spaces. Be prepared and have a plan when you arrive!
Please be advised
For weddings scheduled through the end of December 2025, rehearsal times are subject to change based on Cathedral availability. Please confirm your rehearsal time with the wedding scheduler when you make your wedding reservation. Thank you for your understanding.
For Weddings Before July 2025
Wedding Time | Rehearsal* | Wedding Day Arrival | Wedding Day End of Reservation |
12:00 PM | Friday, 5:15 PM | 10:30 AM | 1:15 PM |
2:00 PM | Friday, 6:00 PM | 12:30 PM | 3:15 PM |
6:00 PM | Friday, 6:45 PM | 4:30 PM | 7:15 PM |
*During Lent, the rehearsal schedule is different: 12:00 PM weddings → 3:45 PM, 2:00 PM weddings →4:30 PM, and 6:00 PM weddings → 5:15 PM.
For Weddings After June 2025
Wedding Time | Rehearsal | Wedding Day Arrival | Wedding Day End of Reservation |
12:00 PM | Friday, 4:00 PM | 10:30 AM | 1:15 PM |
2:00 PM | Friday, 4:45 PM | 12:30 PM | 3:15 PM |
6:00 PM | Friday, 5:30 PM | 4:30 PM | 7:15 PM |
Note on Receiving Lines and Guest Books
Because of this narrow timing, we can’t host guest books or receiving lines inside the church or the narthex. Make plans to station these at your reception.

Planning the Ceremony: Music
Music Guidelines
Sacred Music
Since the wedding is a worship service, we can only perform sacred music.
Cantors are required for Nuptial Masses, and recommended for Nuptial Ceremonies. We are glad to assist you in securing cantors, soloists and/or instrumentalists from our pool of professional staff musicians.
Guest Musicians
We welcome guest vocalists to sing one prelude song. Because we can only perform sacred music, the text of vocal solos must be Scripture or sacred poetry.
Music is not part of the wedding rehearsal, so guest musicians will arrange rehearsal times. Frequent meetings may require an extra fee.

Planning the Ceremony: Decorations
Cathedral Flowers
The Cathedral places altar flowers each weekend. These flowers are included in your facility fee for use in your wedding. A bride may not remove the Cathedral’s main altar flowers.
Supplementing Flowers
Brides may choose to supplement the Cathedral’s main altar arrangements with additional flowers. Additional flowers may be placed on the side altars, or elsewhere in the sanctuary, as space is available so long as the sanctity of the Cathedral is maintained. Any additional flowers must be approved by the Wedding and Flower Guilds and removed immediately following the ceremony.
Providing Your Color to the Flower Guild
The Flower Guild considers liturgical colors in arranging flowers, but also strives to choose colors compatible with your wedding if possible (challenging when there are three weddings in a day!). The Flower Guild will inquire with you about colors. Respond as soon as possible!
Email the Guild at
Unity candles are not permitted.
Decorating Pews
Attach pew decorations with ribbon, tulle, or other fabric. Pew clips don’t fit on our pews, which are beveled.
To protect our pews, the following items are prohibited:
■ tacks, staples, or other piercing hardware
■ tape, putty, or other adhesives
■ shedding greenery
■ candles
Wedding parties are responsible for any damage to pews and other furnishings.

Wreaths are permitted on entry doors, provided that tacks, staples, nails, or any material which might harm the door are not used. The Cathedral also prohibits rice, bird seed, confetti, bubbles, sparklers, confetti, or similar materials anywhere on campus.
Make sure to plan for them to be cleaned up after the ceremony!
Other decorations require the approval of the Cathedral Rector and the Wedding Guild, and we reserve the right to have unapproved decorations removed upon request.

Planning the Ceremony: Children
Participating Children
We recommend children participating in the ceremony be at least 4 years old.

Flower Girls
The Cathedral doesn’t permit flowers or other objects to be scattered, indoors or outdoors. We also prohibit the bridal party from carrying signs or notices. If you include a flower girl in your wedding party, we recommend giving her a floral bouquet to carry.

Ring Bearers
You’ll give your rings to the Wedding Guild before the wedding so that they can be placed on the altar to be blessed. If you do include a ring bearer in your bridal party, the rings he carries will be symbolic.

Altar Servers
We’ll assign two wedding-trained altar servers to your wedding. You are welcome to invite other altar servers to serve alongside our servers; they must be actively serving at a Catholic parish.
If you want to request specific Cathedral-trained servers or include servers from another parish, contact Elizabeth Buyarski at 404-267-3683 or at least 90 days prior to the wedding. She’ll help coordinate their inclusion.
Child Care
The Cathedral doesn’t have a nursery available during weddings, and because of the Archdiocese’s Safe Environment policies, we can’t provide space for planned or impromptu child care by family or guests. Make sure to communicate this to your guests!

Planning the Ceremony: Photography
Your assigned Wedding Guild volunteer is the photographer’s main point of contact while on campus. They will help direct the photographer. The Bride and Groom are responsible for ensuring their photographer has received a copy of these guidelines and agree to abide by them. We reserve the right to ask any photographer/videographer who violates these rules to correct the violation or to leave the premises. No exceptions will be made.
Before the Ceremony

Notes on Timing
During the Ceremony

Flash photography is not permitted during the ceremony, but can be used for photos after the ceremony.
Photographers should respect the reverence of the ceremony and the sacredness of the church sanctuary. Photographers should dress appropriately for a formal wedding.
After the Ceremony
Because of the high demand for the Cathedral, wedding parties only have 75 minutes after their ceremony start time to complete the ceremony, take photos, and clean up. This time should be used for formal photos of the wedding party and family. Have a shot list and your participants prepared!
The photographer should help the wedding party observe the reverence of the space. Avoid informal or candid photos in the Cathedral. Photos with participants sitting on the altar are not permitted.

Planning the Ceremony: Videography
The Cathedral does not offer videographer services. The Bride and Groom are responsible for ensuring their videographer has received a copy of these guidelines and agree to abide by them. We reserve the right to ask any photographer/videographer who violates these rules to correct the violation or to leave the premises. No exceptions will be made.
All equipment should be set up thirty minutes prior to the ceremony.
Cameras may be stationed:
- in the choir loft,
- in front of the pillars at the front of the church
Your Wedding Guild volunteer can help determine the best positions for your wedding. Do not lay cables across aisles. Equipment may not be pinned, stapled or otherwise affixed to Church walls. If absolutely necessary, stage or gaffer tape may be used.
- Roving cameras, including drones, are not permitted. Cameras must be stationary.
- It is not possible to connect to the Cathedral sound system. Wireless microphones may be placed on the bride and groom.
- Floodlights and supplemental lighting are not permitted during the ceremony.

The Dress
Great sensitivity is required in choosing your wedding dress. It should match the sanctity of the sacrament you are about to receive. Dresses for the bride and her party have to cover your chest, shoulders and lower back.
If you arrive with a dress deemed inappropriate by these guidelines, we may require you to wear a covering provided by the church. You will want your appearance to be exactly as planned; if you are in doubt about the appropriateness of your dress, please make arrangements for this situation before arrival.
Not sure about a dress? Send questions or pictures to Felricia Brown, our Wedding Scheduler, at

The Bride’s Room
The Bride’s Room, located on the ground level of the Cathedral, can be accessed through the double doors behind the front desk. The Bride’s Room is for the exclusive use of the Bride and her bridesmaids.
Water and light snacks are allowed in the Bride’s Room only, within reason, and with the expectation that the room will be cleaned and in the condition in which it was found.
The room is expected to be left in the condition in which it was found and it is the Bride and Groom’s responsibility to designate a person for cleaning the Bride’s Room. All personal items must be removed from the Bride’s Room at least 10 minutes prior to the ceremony. It is best to assign someone outside of the wedding party to take charge of personal belongings and lock them in the trunk of someone’s car. The Wedding Guild cannot accept responsibility for watching possessions during the ceremony. The parish cannot accept responsibility for the security of personal items or of items left before, during or after your ceremony anywhere on the Cathedral grounds.

Smoking is not permitted in any building on campus.
Alcohol cannot be brought to or consumed on the Cathedral campus at the rehearsal, before the ceremony, at the ceremony, or after the ceremony.
Wedding participants must arrive for and participate in the ceremony in a sober state! In the event there is a question about the sobriety of the party, the celebrant may refuse to perform the ceremony, or ask the member in question to leave the premises.
Thrown Items
Celebratory items on campus, including confetti, bird seed, rice, or bubbles, are not permitted.

Forms and Documents
Church Forms
Forms For Specific Occasions
Civil Forms

In the event of a wedding cancellation, the party who paid the fee will be refunded based on when they canceled:
Nine months or earlier prior | 100% of the fee |
Six-nine months prior | 50% of the fee |
Zero-six months prior | 0% of the fee |