Why Practice Natural Family Planning?

John Paul II teaches in Theology of the Body that the physical union of the spouses that generates new life is the crux of God’s plan for marriage.  The beautiful love of the Trinity (the Holy Spirit processes from the communion of the Father and Son) is mirrored in the love of the spouses that generates new life in the same way.  We get to participate with God in creating new life!  What a privilege!

Couples who practice NFP are better communicators.  They have to talk about their sex lives as part of NFP and that flows into better communication in all parts of the marriage.

NFP couples are less likely to get divorced and their children are more likely to stay faithful to the Church.

Read more here:

NFP Instructors:

  • Felricia Brown, www.gracefertility.com
  • Ann LaBar Hall, PA-C. 404-915-1685
  • Sara Flood, R.N.(404) 313-7519
  • Kathleen Raviele, M.D. (770) 491-0255
  • Sarah San Fratello, R.N. (770) 270-9859
  • Kelly Castleberry  678-438-5431

For upcoming classes, email nfpclass@ctking.com.

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