A Campaign for 2023
How Christ the King spends your gifts
We’re not supported financially by the Vatican, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, or the Archdiocese. The Cathedral of Christ the King is supported entirely through voluntary gifts from our parishioners. Your offertory contributions enable us to plan programming, provide staffing, update facilities, and offer a safe and secure space to worship and grow in your faith.
Our priorities as a parish are to distribute God’s grace in the sacraments, nurture our parish family’s faith, and meet the spiritual and physical needs of our neighbors in need.
■ Offertory | 77%
■ Endowment + interest | 10%
■ Ministry program fees | 12%
■ Other | 1%
■ Cathedral Ministries | 28%
■ Clergy | 8%
■ Music and Liturgy | 8%
■ Facilities | 26%
■ Administration | 16%
■ The Wider Church | 14%
Deciding what to give in 2023
If you give regularly to the Offertory
Thank you! If you value the liturgical celebrations, religious education, community, and outreach that the Cathedral offers, would you prayerfully consider increasing your gift to help us sustain the work of the church for the benefit of your family, friends, and neighbors?
If you don’t give to the Offertory
We’re grateful you’re a part of CTK regardless of whether or not you give. Do you believe what we’re doing is worthwhile? You can show that support with even a small gift to help us fund our ministries. Would you please prayerfully consider giving to the Cathedral in 2023?
The best way to give
Recurring online gifts are the foundation of our budget. Scheduling your gifts automatically each month allows us to confidently plan for our future ministry needs, knowing that they will be funded.