Select a space for instructions on operating and troubleshooting A-V equipment


1: Check out the microphone from the reception desk

  • There are two types of microphones available for you: a handheld microphone, and a headset microphone. 
  • If you need more than one of a certain kind of microphone (i.e. two handhelds), please reach out to your ministry leader, or to our AV team at

2: Turn the microphone on using the switch on the front

  • You will see a switch on the microphone. Push that UP. 
  • Once you see the small screen lit on the microphone, test your voice.
  • The microphone should be pre-set at the proper level. If it sounds great, you are good to go!

3: Adjust the volume

  • First see what it sounds like holding the microphone at different distances from your mouth. 
  • If it doesn’t sound the way you want regardless, you may use the touchpad to adjust the volume.
  • Open the touchpad by touching anywhere on the screen. (Currently, there are no passwords)
  • On the “Settings” tab, you will see four level control in the bottom right of the screen, above the word “wireless microphones.”  The first of the four is for Microphone A. (refer to the image below)
  • Place your finger on the digital controller to drag the volume up or down as needed.

4: NOTE: 

  • You can monitor the battery level on the small screen of the microphone. In theory, it should always be full, because it should go back on the charger in the office. But if it is dying, go grab the other microphone in the office.
  • The large volume control at the bottom of the touchpad does NOT control the microphones, only the audio/video.
  • The button in the very bottom right corner of the touchscreen MUTES the microphone. If you aren’t hearing sound, that might be why.

5: Return the microphone when finished

  • Please sign out, and remember to put it back in the charging port for the next user!

Instructions for connecting a computer to Kenny Hall

1: Connecting your device

  • Plug in your computer (or other device you intend to project images) via an HDMI cord into one of the HDMI input ports in the wall.
    • You may use check out an HDMI cord from the reception desk downstairs if you do not have your own with you.

  • There are three HDMI input ports available to you:
    1) To the left of the stage (when facing the stage). This is the best place to connect if you are controlling a slideshow during a stage presentation.
    2) Near the entrance doors to Kenny Hall; in the “back” of the room (when facing the stage)
    3) In the closet behind the ambo/altar, to the left of the altar. This is the best place to connect if you are controlling a slideshow during a presentation while the audience is facing the altar. This is also a good place to connect if you are mainly playing music and want the computer out of site.

2: Turn on the Extron touchpanel

  • This is on the wall by the counter, to your left when facing the altar.
  • Just touch the screen; no password.

3: Choose your display source

  • On the left hand side of the screen, select “Display Source”
  • Select the source to send to the projector, based on where you have connected your device
    • Ambo HDMI –> closet behind the altar
    • Stage HDMI –> wall on the stage
    • Rear HDMI –> wall by the entrance doors
  • Whichever source button is blue is where the projectors are pulling from.

4: Turning on the projector(s)

On the left side of the screen, select Projectors and Microphones

On this page, hit the Projector ON button under the corresponding projectors you’d like to use for your display.

Also hit the Screen DOWN button under the corresponding projectors to lower the projection screens

NOTE: It may take one or two minutes for the projector to fully turn on.

5: Using Audio

  • If you plan to use audio, such as playing a video or playing music from your computer, you can control the sound using the long blue fader at the bottom of the touchpanel screen labeled “Video Sound”
  • NOTE #1: Your computer audio will ALSO control the sound, so make sure the volume is ON and set at a good level on your computer, in addition to controlling the audio via the touchpanel.
  • NOTE #2: The Audio Mute button in the bottom-left of the touchpanel screen will mute the sound. If it is RED, it means it is muted.

6: If you can’t see the image on the projector (TROUBLESHOOTING)

  • Make sure the HDMI cable is not loose, either in your computer, or in the plug in the wall.

  • Make sure the display source has been properly selected on the touchpanel
    • Sometimes it takes a couple of pushes on the touchpanel screen for the proper source button to highlight

  • Make sure the projector actually turned ON via the touchpanel
    • Sometimes this also takes a couple of pushes on the touchpanel screen.

  • If none of these steps work, reboot the system (instructions below)

7: Shut down the system when finished

  • The most easy and effective way to do this is hitting the Power button on the bottom-left side of the touchpanel screen
  • Please return any cords you checked out. Thank you!

Instructions for playing background music in Kenny Hall

Follow the same steps above for connecting a computer via HDMI

If you don’t need to project any images, you can skip the steps about the projectors and screens. The audio will still play if you have the computer connected and source routed properly to the system!

Since this page is still being developed, these instructions have not been added yet. Check back soon!

In the meantime, you may reach out to Ian at

Mass Overflow in Kenny Hall

  1. Turn on the touchpanel
    • It is located on the wall towards the northwest corner of the room. 
    • There is no password, just touch the screen. 
  1. Turn on the projector
    • Tap Projectors and Microphones on the left-hand side of the screen.
    • On this page, hit the Projector ON button under the Altar label.
    • Under the same column, hit the Screen DOWN button. 
  1. Turn on the overflow feed
    1. Tap Display Source in the upper left corner of the screen. 
    2. Hit the Cathedral Overflow button. 
    3. This will bring up the feed from the livestream cameras. 
  1. Adjust audio as necessary
    1. Adjust the livestream feeds volume with the blue fader at the bottom of the touchscreen. Press and hold the white button and move from left to right. 
    2. Moving the white button to the right turns the volume UP, and moving it to the left turns the volume DOWN. 
  1. When finished, please shut down.
    1. Shut down the AV system by hitting the Power button in the bottom left side of the touchpanel screen. 

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