A Gift Shop Offering Fine Catholic Goods
Situated on the Plaza of the Cathedral of Christ the King, Sanctus Gifts offers a premium selection of inspirational gifts, jewelry, and stationery.
Sunday 65475_e279be-fd> |
Expected March opening 65475_50e4f1-4e> |
Monday 65475_473729-0a> |
Closed 65475_307476-81> |
Tuesday 65475_2d5511-0a> |
10:00 AM-2:00 PM 65475_7fd858-f3> |
Wednesday 65475_42742a-c9> |
10:00 AM-2:00 PM 65475_07a29f-90> |
Thursday 65475_67e1ec-45> |
10:00 AM-2:00 PM 65475_08985c-7b> |
Friday 65475_0e3fc1-5f> |
10:00 AM-2:00 PM 65475_7c8010-95> |
Saturday 65475_ddd27e-af> |
Expected March opening 65475_6b0f92-e4> |
Contact Us
2699 Peachtree Road, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30305
Parking and Directions

Parking is available in the parking deck at the corner of Peachtree Road and Peachtree Way. From the parking deck, cross Peachtree Way to the Cathedral. The entrance to Sanctus Gifts is on the far side of the Plaza.
Handicapped parking is available on the Plaza, the parking lot on Peachtree Road in front of the Cathedral, and in the parking deck. The entrance to Sanctus Gifts is on the Plaza.
Our Products
Sanctus Gifts is a cashless shop. We accept all major credit cards and mobile wallets.
Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Dominus Deus sabaoth.
Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini.

In Latin, “sanctus” (pronounced sonk-toos) means “holy.” It is the opening phrase of the “Holy, holy, holy,” the prayer we sing at Mass with all of the hosts of Heaven in praise of God. The gifts we offer at Sanctus Gifts are designed to inspire and to draw our customers closer to God.

The “Holy, Holy, Holy” is a prayer praising the coming of Christ as our King and Savior. The logo of Sanctus Gifts is inspired by this line and by the image of Christ as King depicted in the Chancel Rose Window of the Cathedral. There, Christ extends His holy hand in blessing over all those who gather to worship.

The gesture is one depicted frequently in historic Christian iconography. The gesture of the blessing hand shapes the letters ICXC, an abbreviation for the Greek words Jesus (IHCOYC) Christ (XPICTOC). The hand that blesses recreates the name of Jesus!

In addition to shaping letters, the gesture of blessing made by Christ also conveys doctrinal truths. The three fingers used to spell the I and X also represent the Blessed Trinity. Bringing the thumb and ring finger together not only forms the letter C, but also symbolizes the union of the divine and human natures in the person of Christ.
We hope the gifts you select from Sanctus Gifts will be a blessing to you and to those who receive those gifts.