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What is Stephen Ministry?
Christ the King’s Stephen Ministry offers one-to-one pastoral care for individuals experiencing a wide range of life’s stressors – loneliness, loss of a loved one, hospitalization, separation or divorce, spiritual crises, unemployment or job crises, a chronic illness, a terminal illness, aging, relocation, recovery from an illness, miscarriage and/or infertility — at no cost to the receiver. Stephen Ministry trains and organizes lay persons to provide one-to-one Christian care in and around our parish.

Contact Us
If you, a family member, or friend want to receive care from a Stephen Minister and want to explore if this is a good option for you, please contact:

Linda Dyson

What can I expect from a Stephen Minister?

Stephen Ministers use the Caregiver’s Compass to show what we are all about:

  • We have compassion for the care receivers’ spiritual, emotional, or physical issues.
  • We are full of faith because we rely on God—not our own actions—to bring hope and healing to our care receivers.
  • We become skilled through our initial training and twice-monthly supervision and continuing education.
  • Care receivers depend on our trustworthiness—confidentiality is a cornerstone of Stephen Ministry.

At the center of the compass and at the center of our ministry is our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who heals through us and fills us with faith, love, and forgiveness.

Testimonies from Those Receiving Care

I Am So Grateful for Stephen Ministry.
“I Began to Feel God’s Love Again:” Megan’s Story
A Steady Reminder of God’s Presence: A Stephen Ministry Story.

“Refusing to give up on me.”

“Connected with God in a way I never felt before.”

“It was such a burden off my shoulders.”

“My Stephen Minister is truly a gift.”

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