updated March 2024


Lectors: Proclaim the Scriptures at Mass. Learn more and sign up for an upcoming training

Eucharistic Ministers: Share the Body and Blood of Jesus at communion. Learn more and sign up for an upcoming training


Wedding Guild: A group of volunteers who work with couples during their rehearsal on Friday night and wedding ceremony on Saturday to ensure all runs smoothly. Contact weddingguild@ctking.com.

■ Stephen Ministers: Support those who are hurting by becoming a Stephen Minister at CTK – a trained layperson who can support people struggling with life’s stressors. This is a longer commitment, including 50 hours of training over 4-6 months, and 2-year commitment to serve. Contact Linda at ldyson@ctking.com | Learn more about Stephen Ministry

■ Funeral Mass Team: Join our funeral Mass team and support families as they suffer the loss of a loved one. This team includes Eucharistic Ministers, greeters and ushers. These volunteers need to be available with less than 3 days notice for 10:00 am weekday Masses. Contact Linda at ldyson@ctking.com.

■ Funeral Reception Team: Support grieving families through hospitality by serving at the funeral receptions, providing food, and helping with set up or clean up before and after funerals. Funerals take place weekdays from 10:00 am to 11:00 am with receptions following. Contact Linda at ldyson@ctking.com.


Nursery Volunteers: Help care for the little ones during 9:00 AM and 10:30 AM Sunday Masses. Contact Elaine at emccollum@ctking.com.

Easter Egg Hunt: Help us hide eggs the morning of Saturday, March 30! The hunt begins at about 10:15 AM. Contact Elaine at emccollum@ctking.com.

Vacation Bible School: We’re seeking adult and teen volunteers to work with our children the mornings of June 17-21. Contact Elaine at emccollum@ctking.com.

Children’s Choir Camp: We’re seeking adult and teen volunteers to work with our children the mornings of July 15-19, and/or July 22-26. Contact Elaine at emccollum@ctking.com.

Parish School of Religion: help teach our children the faith during the 2024-25 school year. The time commitment is 1.5 hours on Sundays between September and May. We’re seeking both English and Spanish-speaking volunteers. Contact Elaine at emccollum@ctking.com.

The Saint Vincent de Paul conference at CTK helps our neighbors in Atlanta in need. We need volunteers for a number of opportunities. Contact Tim at vincentian1833@gmail.com

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