Here are some additional resources to help you as you begin the process of becoming Catholic.
There is an extensive list of recommended books to review to learn more about Catholicism in the Amazon list, Interested in Becoming Catholic. Here are a few resources to give you basic information about the Catholic Church:
- (access available using the Cathedral’s parish subscription). (access available using the Cathedral’s parish subscription).
- Word on Fire Digital (Text CathedralCTK to 84576 to access the Cathedral’s parish subscription).
- OCIA Amazon Reading List including:
- Catholicism
- Catholicism for Dummies
- The Catholicism Answer Book
- The Sacred that Surrounds Us
- Rome Sweet Home
- When the Church Was Young
- 1001 Reasons Why It’s Great to Be Catholic
- A Biblical Walk Through the Mass
FAQ – OCIA About Becoming Catholic
Catholic Websites:
- Vatican
- USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
- Archdiocese of Atlanta
- Word on Fire
- EWTN (Eternal Word Television Network)
- Catholic Information Network
- Catholic Exchange
- Catholic Answers
Catholic Apps & Podcasts
- myParish
- Hallow
- Amen
- Laudete for iOS or Android
- iBreviary
- Word on Fire Digital (free to Cathedral parishioners)
- Formed TV (free to Cathedral parishioners)
- Bible in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz
- Catechism in a Year podcast with Fr. Mike Schmitz
- Logical Bible Study – Daily Gospel Exegesis
Preparing for Mass
- St. Charles Borromeo Sunday Mass Bible Studies
- Word Among Us
- Magnificat
- One Bread, One Body
- Living With Christ
- Jesuit Prayer
OCIA Session Resources
Choice of a Confirmation Name & YouTube video of Bishop Barron on Confirmation Names
TOB Crash Course Study Guide by Fr. Mike Schmitz
Killing a Conscience in Seven Steps
Who Is the Holy Spirit by Dr. Alan Schreck
Priest, Prophet and King by Bishop Robert Barron
Symbolon Knowing the Faith and Living the Faith Leaders’ Guides
Guide to Catholic Social Teaching