Thank you for your interest in sharing your voice with the Cathedral of Christ the King! Please complete the form below so we can get to know you a little better. We’ll be in contact soon! Email(Required) Name(Required) First Last Voice Part(s)(Required) Soprano Alto Tenor Bass Other Other Voice PartsTell us a little about your experience as a singer. Please include past groups and/or churches you have sung with.(Required)The Choir meets on the following schedule:(Required)Wednesday, 7:30pm-9:30pm, rehearsal // Sunday, 10:00am-11:30am, volunteers and staff singers // Sunday, 11:30am-1:00pm, staff singers // Generally, are you available during these times? 100% Yes, mostly. I’ll have conflicts, but not consistently. Not really, I wouldn’t be able to make rehearsals regularly. None of that schedule works for me right now. But if something changes, I’ll let you know! CTK employs Staff Singers for additional use at Weddings, Funerals, and other events in addition to the typical Wednesday Rehearsal and Sunday Masses schedule. Are you interested in a Staff Singer position?(Required) Yes No Maybe Other Other, Staff Singer PositionOptional: Please email your resume and performance video or audio clip to you! We’ll be in touch soon.