1. Turn on the touchpanel
    1. It is located on the wall towards the northwest corner of the room. 
    2. There is no password, just touch the screen. 
  1. Turn on the projector
    1. Tap Projectors and Microphones on the left-hand side of the screen.
    2. On this page,  hit the Projector ON button under the Altar label.
    3. Under the same column, hit the Screen DOWN button. 
  1. Turn on the overflow feed
    1. Tap Display Source in the upper left corner of the screen. 
    2. Hit the Cathedral Overflow button. 
    3. This will bring up the feed from the livestream cameras. 
  1. Adjust audio as necessary
    1. Adjust the livestream feeds volume with the blue fader at the bottom of the touchscreen. Press and hold the white button and move from left to right. 
    2. Moving the white button to the right turns the volume UP, and moving it to the left turns the volume DOWN. 
  1. When finished, please shut down.
    1. Shut down the AV system by hitting the Power button in the bottom left side of the touchpanel screen. 

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