SLAM – Serious Lay-ups and More

Grades 4 – 7 (group specific, see below)

Get Rec’d has teamed up with The Complete Player Basketball Academy for the ‘SLAM’ program. ‘SLAM’ is a training program for 5 v 5 full-court basketball games.


The training approach provides athletes with physical, mental and emotional tools needed to elevate their game to the NEXT LEVEL! All sessions are instructed by former Professional and NCAA Division I player Scott Paterson. You’ll see the instruction from this former World Class Pro Player is the best decision you can make to ensure the proper development of your son or daughter I the game of basketball.


‘SLAM’ will consist of training with skills in fundamentals, passing, footwork, ball-handling and dribbling, rebounding, offense and defense. This program is geared to meet both beginner, intermediate, and advanced players.


After training, players join their teammates for the 5 v 5, full-court games.


This program is participant driven and can only be finalized as participants register. We do know the program will always take place after school at 3:30 PM until 4:30 PM on Tuesday. Final schedule is dependent on participants and can only be finalized once registrations are entered.


Tuesday:  S.L.A.M.
Tuesday:  For Grades 4 – 7
Tuesday:  3:30 – 4:30 PM
 FEB 20, 27,
 MAR 6, 13, 20, 27
 COSTS:  $150
 (6 segments)
( 10 registrants required for each division and session to run)




Adrian, 404-233-2145 x000: REC@CTKING.COM


Drop-off / Pick-up


CKS students registered for a parish recreation program (CTK) are dismissed from school and released to the recreation program. Participants are picked up from the CKS Cafeteria by Adrian or Program Instructor. You MUST complete a “Carpool/Walker Change Form” for Christ the King School. Your participant will not be released to a parish recreation program without this change form. Students from other schools will check-in via the parish front desk to be escorted to the appropriate program or by arrangement with program instructor.



Pick-up for all programs will take place in the Hyland Center Parking lot. Please do not park in Westenberger Way, the circle near dumpster, block the gates, or across from Green Space.


Please utilize spaces in Hyland Center Parking Lot to park and pick-up your participant. Please do not treat this pick area as a car-pool style pick-up.



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