A Campaign for the 2025 Offertory
A towering magnolia tree stands over the front steps of the Cathedral. When it was planted over 50 years ago, it was just a small sapling; now, after years of sun, water, and care, it has grown to shade and look over every visitor that steps into the Cathedral.
The gifts our parishioners provide to support our operations are so much like that magnolia: small seeds that, with care from our clergy, staff, and volunteers, blossom into dazzling fruit. Comfort reaching a grieving spouse. Grace flooding a repentent heart. Awe penetrating a doubting soul. Food filling a hungry stomach.
There’s so much your gifts can accomplish at the Cathedral. As we plan for ministry in 2025, we need your help. What seeds – what gifts – can you bring to the Cathedral? What fruit do you want to see us bear in 2025?

How your 2024 gifts bloomed
A gift from every family of $29 per week can make all of the operations at the Cathedral possible for one year.
■ Celebrating over 26 reverent Masses each week
■ Organizing dozens of ministries that lead parishioners to grow deeper in their faith
■ Providing fellowship through senior lunches, coffeehouse, and new parishioner breakfasts
■ Welcoming 82 new Catholics into the Church through RCIA
■ Consoling the brokenhearted through 60+ funerals
■ Expanding grief classes to minister to those struggling with loss
■ Providing 9,000 meals to hungry children through MUST Ministries
■ Providing free devotional books during Advent and Lent.
Seeds you can plant right now
Pledge to the 2025 Offertory
Commit to what you’ll give to the Cathedral in 2025, whether you’re giving for the first time ever or you’ve been giving faithfully for decades. We’ll use that information to plan our ministry activities in 2025. Ask God in prayer for guidance on how to invest in our church.
Set up your online giving
Recurring online gifts are the foundation of our budget. Scheduling your regular gifts allows us to confidently plan for our future ministry needs, knowing that they will be funded. Set up your online, recurring gifts at our newly-updated website, cathedralctk.com/give.